
Samsung BlackJack Windows Mobile 6 Upgrade – Complete!

Samsung BlackJack Upgrade - BlogBeing an owner (among other devices) of Samsung BlackJack smartphone I was postponing the free Windows Mobile 6 upgrade until a better time. Better time has come today, so I went all in – backed up the device, checked to see if I really have all the appointments in my Outlook calendar and proceeded with upgrade.

I haven’t been timing the process with precision, but I believe it took around 20 minutes to reflash the device. Upon reboot, the instruction suggested doing the reformat of the device. Finally, the doom of PC has fallen upon smartphones.

The new interface is just a notch better then the previous one. Everything looks like miniature Vista, which got me worried. However, I didn’t noticed any significant degradation in speed, which was my primary worry.

I am still installing software that I need to use the i607 productively, so there is a lot of areas that remain untouched with this new operating system. Stay tuned for more reports.

annoyances blog

Blogging on the go

Technology is a very good thing. It may help you in your everyday life, pay for your house and meals, get you connected. It may also be a source of the biggest annoyance in your life. Last couple of months I was traveling a lot, so I decided to swap my HTC Advantage for smaller Samsung BlackJack smartphone. Typing a huge blog post ain’t fun on a little keyboard that any smartphone posses, especially on a tiny Samsung buttons. But (as in any such story) I was almost done…

Now I know that holding “backspace” button for longer then 2 seconds in Notepad on Samsung BlackJack deletes the note without the ability to restore it. Cost me 35 minutes to figure that out.

Be aware.