
Protecting WordPress

In order to protect your WordPress installation the following steps are mandatory.

Step 1: Read this post from Matt Cutts on protecting your WordPress installation. If you don’t know what the .htaccess file is or does – read this or this.

Step 2: If you have access t0 cPanel or any other hosting management script installed – login to your hosting management console and turn off indexes for your web directory. If you don’t know what I am talking about – make sure you repeat step 2 from the article mentioned above for all folders where no index.php file exists.

Step 3: Instead of denying IPs you can simply password-protect the /wp-admin/ directory. On my installations it has weird effect of redirecting straight to index page instead of asking for login/password. Even better – no password to remember and you still can use one of the blog editors to upload content.


Debt Of The Entrepreneur

Unless you were born into money, one way or another you get into debt. For most of the people it’s manageable debt – revolving accounts (also known as credit cards), small and big loans (also known as car financing and mortgage). But the whole bunch of people are suffering from unmanageable debt (the one that leads to bankruptcy). For some people the thought of debt is so heavy they don’t even do anything about it. Others become refugee entrepreneurs, escaping from debt into running their own business.

Debt Negotiation, debt consolidation and debt help are considered lesser evil. They don’t usually pay your debt for you, but they refer you to services that may help. How it works for them is that they either buy your debt from your creditors for less then amount you owe thus making a profit. Alternatively, they negotiate easier repayment terms under the assumption that bank has high chance of not seeing their money anyway.

Any debt is like a swamp – you better off not get into it, but if you got yourself in there – get out as fast as you can.


Don’t Panic!

Don't Panic - Blog As I was almost going to bed tonight I (again) checked the PR in my trusty Firefox SearchStatus bar and to my dismay – it went down to 0. Of course I got puzzled and annoyed. First thing I did was going to Google Webmasters Tools to see if there is anything wrong with the blog.

Right I was! Turns out – when I changed the design of the blog I forgot to submit the site for verification again, since the old verification method was creating a specific meta tag. Obviously, with new template the meta tag was gone, which sort of angried the Google monster 🙂

Word to the wise. If you one of those people who enjoy tweaking your blog’s design instead of watching TV – don’t use meta tag verification method.

Now, if I only did it AFTER Google dance, not a week before…

No dip in website traffic though. Maybe not yet.