business clients

Two more sites are about to be complete

Two more sites are approaching finish line – some minor design bug in one and content in another are pending. Stay tuned for announcements.

After some minor tweaks and some innerworks on the site is back on the first page on Yahoo. “Not thrilling, but nice”. I wish all my sites were there.

Spend last couple of weeks learning isides and outs of Mambo Open Source. Looks like a great platform to build long-overdue RussianHut place. If only people who can help were a bit more organized and actually cared about what they do… it would’ve been done already.

annoyances clients design

Client on a rampage!

One of my clients for whom we are doing the web site now went on design rampage yesterday. We gave him three drafts, he chose one, we started working on them, polishing minor details, etc… Everything was fine until yesterday night I got a message from him. He said that he finally figured out what he wants and attached the draft of the web site he thinks very professional and just great.

Although I am not questioning his taste (we’re children of different times and cultures, so I think he has a great idea that I just don’t get yet), but the colors… the layout… the whole idea of professional web site that looks like pinball game… I definitely should lower my requirements to designers who want to work with me… They are great, it’s me who’s crazy…

clients seo

Pool enclosures and links enclosures

One of the hidden stones you immediately hit while moving web sites from one platform to another is the numerous links that search systems store momentarily become obsolete. Of course there are ways to make old links point to same places but sometimes the construct like ?step=2 doesn’t really make any sense anymore… So what you do (especially if you moved from ColdFusion to PHP) is you just make all old links point to the first page and be content… for some time, until you discover that since old links don’t work and new links didn’t propagate yet the site is almost invisible in search engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN and so on…