annoyances blog

Blogging on the go

Technology is a very good thing. It may help you in your everyday life, pay for your house and meals, get you connected. It may also be a source of the biggest annoyance in your life. Last couple of months I was traveling a lot, so I decided to swap my HTC Advantage for smaller Samsung BlackJack smartphone. Typing a huge blog post ain’t fun on a little keyboard that any smartphone posses, especially on a tiny Samsung buttons. But (as in any such story) I was almost done…

Now I know that holding “backspace” button for longer then 2 seconds in Notepad on Samsung BlackJack deletes the note without the ability to restore it. Cost me 35 minutes to figure that out.

Be aware.


Travel to Chicago, again

Wednesday morning, if all goes well, I will be leaving to Chicago. I am taking two PDA phones with me, one connected through Verizon and another one through AT&T. It will be interesting to compare speeds and services on both networks outside of the New York City. I plan to watch for network flavors in La Guardia airport, Midway Airport, Chicago suburbs and, maybe, some spots in Chicago itself.


Hurray! AT&T brings high-speed cellular link to Brooklyn!

ATT Cingular LogoIt’s been in the works for quite some time. AT&T, in fact, did announce that they are expanding their 3G/HSDPA network and other good things will come to those who wait. However, last couple of weeks I did experience some cell service outage and started thinking that moving to AT&T’s GSM network wasn’t, probably, the best idea. Today, however, I was very much surprised, when while standing on a subway platform in Brooklyn instead of regular E icon I saw 3G . This is indeed very good, since now my newsreader is able to finish downloading all the packages in no time and I can, finally, follow the links from the blogs and feeds I am reading while on the subway.
On the same note – Verizon phone was showing EVDO icon for quite some time now. I just wasn’t really paying attention to it.

Let me brag a little on how this should benefit the small businesses (one of which I am a proud owner of). First of all – it lets you justify purchasing some of those cool smartphones or PDA phones. Not iPhone though, sorry, iPhone is still on a slow EDGE. Second, you may be able to beef up your sales pitch with the help of your web site – some of our clients have been doing just that (they report that the impact is tremendous). Third – it’s cheaper to communicate via e-mail/messaging/web then through the phone, although most of us don’t realize it yet. This, actually, allows you to purchase a plan with less minutes and use data connection for messaging. I am yet to test Skype on my HTC Advantage, but I am sure it’ll work much better then on EVDO.

With all that said – I can’t wait for WiMax. Oh, and Verizon – where’s my FiOS?