internet technology web

Many, many, many things happen

While everybody and their grandmothers write about Vista release – I’ll write of other important things. First – there is this totally geeky thing that I would love receive from somebody. I cannot even reiterate how much I would love to see it on my table.

Another thing was this absolutely hilarious video. I can’t stop laughing and it took me around 5 attempts to just finish watching the damn thing.

While you’re on YouTube, watch this – it’s nowhere near funny, but actually is a very good prototype of the “next-gen” interface. I’d love to see it implemented when I’ll be buying my next ThinkPad.

Maybe I’m getting my hopes too high in terms of schedule availability, but I plan to attend one-day start-up school.

We’ll have a range of experts speaking on all the things you need to know to start a company: what makes a good startup idea and where to get them; what to look for in a co-founder; how to get angel and VC funding; how to incorporate a company and what agreements founders should have among themselves; when and how to apply for patents; what can go wrong in a startup; what acquirers look for; and how the acquisition process works.

Loved this presentation. You will, too, if you haven’t seen it before.

And just before this post was out – found this interview with Lee Dodd, forum owner, who

once famously posted a check in excess of $220k for 3 months of earnings

Stay tuned.

technology web

Security through ignorance?

It’s nice to see that a list of passwords hasn’t changed much since 1997.

Common Passwords: The top 20 passwords are (in order):

password1, abc123, myspace1, password, blink182, qwerty1, fuckyou, 123abc, baseball1, football1, 123456, soccer, monkey1, liverpool1, princess1, jordan23, slipknot1, superman1, iloveyou1 and monkey

Although as I recall, top 3 admin passwords back then were password, god and superadmin.

Google internet web

Call me lazy, but…

… but I just found out today that Google’s Gmail has this nifty feature of checking POP3 accounts for you. It doesn’t really matter that it’s been around from other providers for years, and Google’s only made it available to some of the customers (for example I only have it enabled on one out of three of my accounts). What matters is that if you add the ability to send e-mails as from that another account (which is already available) – and you can use Gmail as your full-featured POP3/SMTP e-mail. Given that most of people don’t have 2GB of backlog e-mails anyway – very nice trick. The real breakthrough would be if Google made an import routine to upload old messages preserving dates from e-mail programs, such as Outlook/Outlook Express, TheBat!, ThunderBird and others.

Overall – I’m starting to be more and more taken into whole online-office thing. E-mail client, word processor, spreadsheets – and now talks of Google acquiring ThinkFree, that also has presentation creator – all looks very promising. Obviously, I’m not planning to ditch the Office package, however, I’ll think twice before upgrading to the next version. After all – I don’t have a 2.5GB Excel spreadsheet with all the hedge fund transaction history, as some company I was interviewed at three years ago.